This is simple and operational demonstration of ... ... However, within this demo web page is no privacy for participants
. ... SO WHAT IS THE POINT? you may ask. Point is that using these method participants can preserve anonymity although their message (or segments) can be traced back to them. Their message expressed in plain language for each one could be interpreted as: "IF THIS SEGMENTS TOGEHER WITH OTHER PARTICIPANT's PUBLISHED SEGMENTS CAN CREATE CREDIBLE OUTCOME, THIS OUTCOME WILL COMPLY WITH MY INTENTION" and in its fundamental nature is SECRET, ANONYMOUS, CONDITIONAL and NON-REPUDIATIONAL individual STATEMENT with SHARED KNOWLEDGE toward collective SELF DECRYPT-able OUTCOME with VERIFIABILITY. . ...HOW IT’S POSSIBLE? , this MUST be some kind of SNAKE OIL ! you may think. ANONYMITY? .. well yes, if semantic of the message is our object of interest, rather than origin of the message. SECRECY is provided by deploying the cryptography. In this example AES/Rijndael (with 256 bits key) method is used. This is considered strong enough to protect state secrets. SCALABILITY, when reach web page and JavaScript application limits can easily be extended by grouping participants into domains connected with accreditation primitives to merge multiple outcomes into upper level domains. The NON-REPUDIATION is ensured by the fact that final outcome can’t be produced without each individual participants unique contribution. Each participant can logically VERIFY that his (and only his) message is implemented correctly by performing the same process in privacy of his own computer but with different submission. For detail explanation and background of this method explore this OPEN-SOURCE web page content and see here an work in progress attempt of a easy readable explanation. © 2013 Patent Pending. Dedicated to memory of Aaron Swartz. |